OOPS! THE US STATE Department’s latest attempt to vilify the Chinese tripped up today.
An advertising campaign was launched to publicize Weghur Voices, billed as “the first podcast entirely about the Uyghur Diaspora”.

Although apparently from humble origins from a pair of podcasters in France, they mysteriously have the cash to place their show on every major podcasting platform around the world, AND pay for advertising to spread their reach in multiple countries.

The big push attracted the attention of Chinese traditional medicine specialist Arnaud Bertrand, one of a small band of independent voices who have exposed numerous anti-China projects around the world as originating from Washington DC.
The podcast, which has launched one series and is embarking on a second, looked “innocent enough” he said, until he checked the small print to see who was financing it—the United States Embassy in France.

It features a Uyghur woman who has lived in France for two decades, working with a man named John Bair, described as “An American writer who specializes in helping other people tell their stories.”

Sounds authentic?
Definitely. But Arnaud dug into John Bair’s background and discovered the man’s background. “John sits on the board of Foreign Policy for America where his bio is much more honest,” he said. That document reveals that Bair “an alumnus of the CIA where he served as an intelligence analyst, chief of staff and public communications officer”.

The discovery had Arnaud shaking his head. “So here we have an innocent-looking podcast about ‘the Uyghur Diaspora’ that’s in fact not only paid for directly by the US government but co-created by a CIA man!” he said. “Obvious much? The US doesn’t do propaganda, right?”
Arnaud wrote up his findings on Twitter and it has been widely shared among people who are interested in the truth about China—which is sadly, not as large a number as it could be.
The mainstream media never picks up these exposes, preferring to run with Washington DC’s jerry-built, artificial narrative instead.
ALL the sources quoted in the widely debunked allegations of “genocide” in China come from Uyghur groups financed by Washington DC, just like the podcast above.
So-called “professional” journalists from the world’s biggest media, from the BBC to CNN to the New York Times to the big news agencies, cannot expose any of this. By having spent so many years regurgitating the false narrative about mainland China, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet, and Taiwan, the few remaining shreds of their credibility are on the line, so they have no way of walking back the lies.
The US senate has passed a bill setting aside US$1.5 BILLION over five years to “counter” Chinese influence – that is to poison minds against that nation. That money is an extra payment that goes on top of the huge budgets financing people who are already doing the same thing.
TO READ MORE on the artificial anti-China narrative, click the links below.
The four-step plan to make you consent to war against China
Strategists admit the West is goading China into war
The West’s bid to subvert others is no longer a secret
Photo at the top by Matthew Ansley on Unsplash