SOME COMMENTATORS are saying that China's annual parliamentary meeting is undramatic this year. This is because they haven't seen announcements about injections of public money that some economists were hoping for. And growth targets were set modestly, at “around 5%” for GDP growth and 3% for the annual budget deficit.
The BBC’s sour correspondent dismissed…
China news
“Parents who deeply love their children are always visionary. ”
-quoted from a Chinese classic“Annals of the Warring States”(《戰國策》)
THE HOUSEHOLD REGISTRATION SYSTEM, which has been in place in China for thousands of years, still has a profound impact on the lives of Chinese people, and to some extent determines their fate.
Courts function best when genuine cases are filed, logical decisions are made, and clear, concise judgments are issued.
But the Hong Kong legal system has unfortunately caught a worrying habit associated with the west’s human rights industry: the appearance of “confected” (elaborately constructed) cases or judicial reviews based on a legal point that is not…
THE UK HAS THE WORST 5G service in the European region, a new survey revealed—thanks to the country's decision to kick out their Chinese partners.
At a city level, London now has the worst 5G coverage of major cities in the region, said a study by internet and quality testing company MedUX. It has a…
A U.S. PROMISE to Taiwan has quietly imploded after the dramatic collapse of German industry.
Researchers at the Brookings thinktank said Taiwan’s economy would survive the shock of war in the same way that Germany’s industrial economy would survive the shock of losing its gas pipeline from Russia.
But it’s now clear that the German…
THE DEBUNKED “China uses prisoners as slave labor” story turns out to be true—but it’s happening in the United States, not China, a shocking new study shows.
Large numbers of prisoners in the US make products for companies including the world’s largest food manufacturers—and are paid just pennies or nothing at all, according to a…
OOPS. BAD KARMA HAS HIT the UK’s nuclear power plans after the Brits kicked out their Chinese partners.
The action left the country’s nuclear hopes (now extremely late and over-budget) in the hands of a French company—which announced that it has run out of money for it.
To make matters worse, the Chinese have built…
The tension in Taiwan, the disaster in Ukraine, and what has credibly been described as genocide in Gaza, can all be tracked back to the fact that the US president refuses to rein in the profiteering war machine, says Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs.
WHEN IT COMES to foreign policy, the president of the United States…
WHEN SHOULD A WOMAN GET MARRIED? Maybe never! The benefits or otherwise of marriage has suddenly become a hot topic in China, after a viral media interview in which mothers were asked to list the benefits of being a married woman—and could not think of any.
This was a bit of a shocker, since the…
In the game of geopolitics, Ukraine is on its way to being an abandoned pawn. The people of Taiwan need to take note, warns Dr. Wilson Chan.
THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, under the guise of promoting “democracy” and “human rights”, helps the wicked perpetuate wicked deeds.
Now, its approval rating is hitting an all-time low. It…