THE U.S. WEAPONIZED the concept of human rights to hurt China, using it for decades to harm attempts by Chinese organizations and individuals to create relationships with people outside its borders, a new study says.
It painted China as the motherlode of human rights violations, although this was not remotely true. Yet it was hard…
Rule of Law? Or rule by judges? Do police officers have human rights? What has a case about police officers’ identification numbers got to do with a law against torture?
These questions had curious answers in 2020 declaratory judgments in Hong Kong. Henry Litton looks back at some unusual legal logic.
THE UK IS ABOUT TO withdraw partially or entirely from a key European convention that protects human rights. The move is being pushed by Conservative minister Dominic Raab, a passionate critic of human rights protection in Hong Kong and mainland China.
His bill will remove the requirement for British courts to take account of judgments…