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Smoking gun at the BBC

THERE HAVE BEEN numerous allegations that the BBC turns sunny days dark and pleasant scenes sour in its visual coverage of China. Independent journalist Brian Berletic showed a particularly striking current example, reports Friday editor Nury Vittachi.

[Transcript: video 83 seconds]

Good morning. Independent journalists have found a smoking gun that reveals the truth about BBC news. It often operates not as a news operation, but as a pro-Western propaganda unit used to attack China, just like Reuters, really.

Actually, we should say independent journalists found “ANOTHER smoking gun” because there have been a lot of them. But the latest is quite funny.

Last week, the BBC attacked independent voices who dared to say positive things about China. [Image]

One of the victims attacked, a guy called Jason Lightfoot, noticed that the BBC image of him showed a cloudy day and dead trees. [image]

But Jason Lightfoot’s original video had been taken on a sunny day with flourishing green trees on the background. [image]

Now the excellent Brian Berletic [image] showed how the BBC had de-saturated the image to remove the sunshine, and then greyed out all the trees to make them look dead. [image]

If you look up the same report today, you can see the BBC has sneakily put back the original image!

So here’s the original picture [image] – and here’s the BBC’s doctored one. [image] And here’s the original picture back again. [image]

Gotcha, BBC!


To see Brian Berletic’s original video, click here. We recommend following him.

Picture at the top by Mika Baumeister/ Unsplash

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