HONG KONG WAS ONE of the first places in the world hit by Omicron, with a case on November 11. Yet, our go-fast-go-hard policy managed to deal with it, keeping our population safe.
Watch the video below for a 90 second update — or scroll down for a transcript.
Breaking news: Omicron is on its way to being a massive problem – and particularly in the UK, US, Europe, and Russia. It is now found in 57 countries. Infections of the virus are doubling every two to three days, according to UK scientists.
Do the math.
From just one or two cases in November there are now more than 1,000 new infections every day just in that country.
Hit multiply.
And in the US? Omicron has spread to more than one third of American States and there is simply no way of controlling movement to stop the rest of the country getting it.
Freedom! Freedom! freedom!
Now the punters on TV are saying ‘Omicron may be more transmissible but it may not be more deadly’.
Missing the point! Transmissibility is the point. Covid is currently infecting more than 100,000 new people in the US and killing more than 1000 of them every day. If transmissibility shoots up, so do the number of people who will…
Do the math.
Last week, I predicted that Hong Kong, one of the first places hit by Omicron, would stop it dead – while other places would let it run rampant. I didn’t realize just how spectacular the difference would be.
A Western friend said to me yesterday: Hong Kong’s tough border rules are killing business. I replied: Your lack of tough border rules is killing humans.
You choose, brother, you choose.