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Lazy Brits should learn from China – Liz Truss

A LEAKED PIECE of audio today revealed prospective new UK leader Liz Truss wishing that British people worked hard, like the Chinese. The country needs “more graft”, she says, using a British slang term for hard work. “Essentially it’s partly a mindset and attitude thing, I think. It’s working culture, basically. If you go to China it’s quite different, I can assure you,” she says, in a tape which is front page news in the Guardian today.

The audio given to the newspaper dates back to when she worked at the Treasury in London, a role which ended in 2019 – but echo comments she has made before, criticizing British workers.

In 2014, Ms Truss visited China and afterwards made an impassioned speech about the excellence she had seen in the education system there. “We can benefit from this approach,” she said. “It’s not about cherry-picking methods or techniques. It is the UNDERLYING PHILOSOPHY that is so vital.”

This contrasts dramatically with her current speeches, in which she portrays China very negatively and criticizes Chinese firms such as Tiktok.

After the US triggered an entirely unnecessary crisis by breaking their pledge not to send political leaders to Taiwan,  Liz Truss summoned the Chinese ambassador and blamed China for creating tension.

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