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Compulsory diversity and other news items

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The US Securities and Exchange Commission this week approved a rule to require the board of directors of all listed companies to have at least one woman and at least one ethnic or LGBT person. I can already hear sitcom writers getting to work. Questions are being asked: When they say a woman, do transwomen count?

The Chinese leadership has told landlords they cannot raise rents by more than 5 per cent. Siding with tenants against landlords? How evil. What will the despicable CPC do next? Richard Bardon commented: It’s almost as if though they’re communists…

Covid-19 can lead to erectile dysfunction, scientists say. Meanwhile, the Pfizer vaccine can cause boobs to get larger, according to a separate report. The folk trying to get people jabbed are getting creative, methinks.

A Murdoch newspaper in Australia actually printed an incredibly important story accurately, despite the fact that it showed China in a positive light. Probably sneaked through the system while editors were asleep..

More than 100 people have been shot to death by the Taliban in Afghanistan in the last 72 hours, confirmed reports say. Wait. I’ve got that wrong. More than 100 people have been shot to death in the United States in the past 72 hours, confirmed reports say. Maybe Afghan people in American can take over JFK airport and organize an evacuation—for themselves and their friends, of course. Goodbye.

Picture at the top by Autthaporn Pradidpong/ Unsplash

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